3" Green Dancing Bear by Markoosie Papigatook

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Markosie Papigatok

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Inuit art: Dancing Bear    
Inuit Artist: Markoosie Papigatook
Size: 3.25" tall, 2.5" wide
Community: Cape Dorset, NU
Stone: Serpentine
id: b-7786fjy

Markosie’s winsome bears convey a wry hipness. Dancing Bear is permanently captured in a moment of simple exuberance. This emotion is expressed in a nearly impossible dance position. Extended head, arched back, arms reaching skyward. How is this compact creature able to maintain the delicate balance of this joyful dance?

This carver’s talent cannot be questioned. A Papigatook dancing bear is a miracle proclaimed in stone.

An enchanting gift. An irresistible addition to your collection.


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