4" SIGNATURE Loon by Ning Ashoona *Luna*

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Ningeosiak Ashoona

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Inuit art: Loon
Inuit Artist: Ningeosiak Ashoona
Size: 4" across, (3.5" horizontal), 3" high
Community: Cape Dorset, NU 11/22
Stone: Serpentine
id: dfa-6140Pbjjy

**Ningeosiak Ashoona SIGNATURE Loon carving

Ning's Signature bird carving is the loon/swan but all of her bird sculptures are sought after by art collectors around the globe.

Luna, however is exceptional.

Luna is standing on her feet, one wing spread, the other close by her side.

Is she getting ready to fly or has she just landed on the ground?

But what makes Luna special, is angle at which Ning has placed Luna's head and neck as if she is staring up into the heavens.

And the look on Luna's face is one of reverence and calm.

You would expect that her neon green colour would counteract her peacefulness, but instead I think it makes her appear even more serene. 

Luna is ready to fly into your heart forever.


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