5" Dancing Bear by Isaaci Petaulassie *Infectious Joy*

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Isaaci Petaulassie

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Inuit art: Dancing Bear    
Inuit Artist: Isaaci Petaulassie
Size: 5" tall, 3" wide, 1.5" deep
Community: Cape Dorset, NU 7/22
Stone: Serpentine
id: dfa-N6066Qahjy

I had to name this incredible small Dancing bear *Infectious Joy* because as soon as I saw it, my mood was lighter and happier.

My foot began to tap as I felt the movement of the dance.

Isaaci Petaulassie is a talented and innovative carver of small Dancing bears.  Infectious Joy has been placed in a posture of extreme angles.

When a sculpture is dancing, it is balancing on one limb.  The artist must have the talent and experience to overcome gravity and keep the creature from tipping over.

I also love the colour of the stone that Isaaci Petaulassie has used to carve this creature.

For me, there is something about the freckles of torquoise hiding amongst the deep rich greens that I find appealing.

Small bears are one of THE quintessential pieces of Inuit art.

I never have enough of them on hand for my clients.

I believe the small bear is the most sought-after carving for gifting.

Because of their extreme affordability, they are often purchased in multiples.

What could be more joyous than two small bears dancing together?


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