5" Walking Bear by Charlie Ookpik

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Charlie Ookpik

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Inuit art: Walking Bear 
Inuit Artist: Charlie Ookpik
Size: 5" long, 4" high
Community: Gjoa Haven, NU
Material: Stone medium & Caribou bone
id: c-041

This is a beautiful rendition of a walking bear by Charlie Ookpik. The rawness and rudimentary angles make this a timeless piece out of Gjoa Haven, NU.

This is what makes pieces from Gjoa Haven so highly desired. It is their timeless quality brought about by the native dark and dense stone, lending itself to a  minimalistic style similar to how their ancestors carved hundreds of years ago.



Louie Uttaq, Gjoa Haven, Nunavut

Louie Uttaq (b.1996) is an Inuit artist from Uqsuqtuuq (Gjoa Haven) NU whose practice consists primarily of sculpture. Uttaq comes from a family of artists. He and his father Leo Uttaq and Leo’s brother, carver Simon Uttaq, learned to carve from their father.

Louie creates a variety of carvings but specializes in the mammals and animals of the arctic region. His carvings of hunters and Polar bears are very distinct and treasured by collectors globally.

In 2018 the Fram Museum of Oslo, Norway purchased twenty-two of Louie’s carvings. Cruise passengers from many par t s of the USA, Europe and the United Kingdom have acquired many of his carvings and he continues to produce many creative pieces.

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