6" SIGNATURE Owl RARE Pale Green by Pits Qimirpik *Hooty*

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Pitseolak Qimirpik

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Inuit art: Owl
Inuit Artist: Pitseolak (Pits) Qimirpik
Size: 6.5" tail to beak (6" vertical), 4" wide, 5" deep
Community: Kimmirut, NU 21
Stone: Serpentine (very unique and original color)
id: b-28078afdjy

**SIGNATURE Pitseolak Qimirpik Owl carving

Masterpiece Sculpture!  Museum quality Carving!

The RRE pale green colour of this serpentine stone which is from Kimmirut, is the highlight of this piece.

We have NEVER seen this color of serpentine stone before.

Pitseolak is the only Inuit artist in the world who carves with this rare pale soft green stone. The gray and green comination is magical.

Once or twice a year, Pits carves one of his signature owls with this gorgeous color.

He discovered the stone near his fishing camp which is quite remote from where he lives.

When I first saw this stone color a few years ago I was gobsmacked!

Pits owls are internationally renowned and I believe his owls are the best owl sculptures among the Inuit artists. 

The soft green colour is peaceful and calm.

Owl has a beautiful glow making you want to touch him.

Pits is renowned for his owls.  For example, one of the signature features of a Pits Owl is the face.

Look at the  open mouth and the tongue that appears to have been carved separately.  How does he do that?  

When you see this owl carving you immediately recognize it as being a Pits Qimirpik sculpture.  THAT'S how iconic Pits' owls have become.

His works are found in Canada's national art collection in Ottawa, Ontario.

Now is the time to have this rare soft green masterpiece in your collection on your mantelpiece.


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