7" Dancing Bear by Markoosie Papigatok *Gentle Touch*

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Markoosie Papigatok

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Inuit art: Dancing Bear    
Inuit Artist: Markoosie Papigatok
Size: 6.5" tall, 6" wide, 4" deep
Community: Cape Dorset, NU 21
Stone: Serpentine
id: nfc-225-1269207fhdy

Magnificent Movement!

People are fascinated with Markoosie Papigatok's Dancing Bears.

Many of my clients choose these bewitching creatures as gifts.

The size and price of these sculptures are appropriate for gift giving. 

Who wouldn't be thrilled to receive this particular bear for a birthday or anniversary gift?

Also, for those of you who collect Inuit carvings, when you find a bear who speaks to you, you can add multiple small carvings to your collection without "breaking the bank".

Can't you picture this bear standing in a band of other small bears?

Or, imagine this bear keeping company with a rabbit, an owl or a larger bear?

 I love the colour of this bear's stone, (green streaked with radiant golden yellow).

I am always struck by the grace Markoosie releases from the stone.  His bears are peaceful and radiant as they balance on one foot and point their nose to Heaven.  

Markoosie is one of my top artists when it comes to creating imaginative and inspirational Dancing bears.

See our blog Spotlight on the Dancing Bear.


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