12" Owl by Adamie Qaumagiaq *Hootnanny*

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Adamie Quamagiaq

$2,288.38 USD

Inuit Art: Owl        
Inuit Artist: Adamie Quamagiaq
 Size: 12" high, 7­­­­" wide, 2" deep
Community: Cape Dorset, NU 10/24
Stone: Serpentine
id: b-9980ahbjy

**This Item is Eligible for Our 0% Interest Layaway Plan

I never tire of Owl carvings with large round white eyes. 

The contrast between the white eyes and dark face, creates a startled look which then explains why Hootnanny has suddenly prepared his powerful wings for a quick take off to safety!!

Hootnanny must counterbalance his vertically positioned wings with a solid base.

Adamie has solved the issue by giving Hootnanny  large firmly planted feet adorned with ominous sharp talons.

The stone colour and finish is a Classic.

Deep and luscious black with a mirror smooth glossy finish.

Can you ever have too many Owls in your collection?

Owls are also a perfect "entry level" gift for the collector who is new to Inuit art.


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