Inuit art: Dancing Bear
Inuit Artist: Adamie Mathewsie
Size: 3" tall, 2.5" wide
Community: Cape Dorset, NU 10/22
Stone: Serpentine
id: dfa-N6339Qaejy
Our miniature Dancing bears attract a large number of art lovers.
Humans are intrigued by small and especially miniature subjects of all kinds.
Psychologists think it goes back to our childhood connections to small objects.
By reconnecting to small bears, dolls, etc we are reconnecting to our childhood innocence.
What ever the reason, I am enamoured with Adamie Mathewsie's Dancing bear carvings.
Like Ace, they are joyful and colourful and often athletic as they balance on one foot or paw!
One look at Ace, and I was smitten.
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