12" Hunter with Bow by Moses Kamookak Gjoa Haven *Straight As an Arrow*

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Moses Kamookak

$2,280.00 CAD

Inuit art: Hunter with Bow
Inuit Artist: Moses Kamookak
Size: 11.5" high, 8" wide, 5" deep
Community: Gjoa Haven, NU 1/22
Material: Limestone & Caribou Antler
id: c-134

Gjoa Haven artists lean heavily toward creating scenes of Inuit life.

In particular, vignettes depicting Inuit hunters and fishermen are very popular.

I love the many spears, harpoons, bows, clubs and leather pouches that accompany the stone carvings.

This sculpture by Moses Kamookak is a beautiful rendering of an Inuk man who is carrying a large bow and arrow. 

Bows and arrows were used primarily for hunting caribou and muskox but can also be used to hunt sea mammal and fish.

Inuk has a very serious and contemplative look on his face.  His face and hands are carved separately from caribou antler. 

His facial features are exquisite.

The stone is a bronze colour which gives it the look of metal.

And yes!  He is meant to be standing on an angle.

Perhaps, this angle is meant to suggest that our Inuk will soon be running to the caribou he just brought down with his arrow?

Our clients adore these vignette sculptures.

They serve to document contemporary and historical Inuit life.

See our notes on The Gjoa Haven Collection.


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