12" Bear Reflection by Tony Oqutaq

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Tony Oqutaq

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Inuit art: Bear Reflection
Inuit Artist: Tony Oqutaq
Size: 12" long, 12" high, 3" high, 15 lbs
Community: Cape Dorset, NU
Stone: Serpentine
id: dfa-62810bhjjy

Oqutaq’s innovative spirit erupts in this sophisticated and thought provoking sculpture, Reflecting Bears.

Beautifully rendered in warm greens and earthy gold serpentine stone, its the interpretation of these bears that captivates me.

At face value, two bears are wrestling in order to establish dominance. Its a dog eat dog world.

OR imagine..... every creature on this wide and wild earth searches for connection, for understanding and acceptance.

We search for that one person who “mirrors” us, who knows us intimately, the one who knows us best.

This is the fascinating thing about art. We each interpret it differently because we have different experiences and feel different emotions.

But ultimately we start a dialogue.

Over two Reflecting Bears.

Who do you “mirror”? This bear would touch their heart.


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