3" Diving Bear by Tim Pee

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Tim Pee

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Inuit art: Diving Bear
Inuit Artist: Tim (Timothy) Pee
Size: 3" high, 2" wide
Community: Cape Dorset, NU
Stone: Serpentine
id: 7430Nagjy


Just as the name 'Nuna Parr' became synonymous with exquisite dancing bears, Tim Pee's name is eponymous with the sleek, striding variety.
This particular piece is nothing short of one of Pee's finest works. A true masterpiece. The overall flow, the exquisite black stone, and the polished finish render this as an affordable masterpiece.

This bear was obviously carved by an artist who carefully observed the animal subjects and Loved them. Despite being carved from a large sized, heavy stone, the work has a lightness of spirit. His flawless accuracy, acute lines and atomic proportions elevates Tim Pee to a higher order from most other carvers.
Pee's bears have a sense of refinement and detail that is set to a higher standard from all other bears in this class. His bears are always incredibly graceful (a trade mark of Tim Pee's bears) and have a positive peaceful look. 

The reflection, polish and shine are divine. The proportions are perfect and very life like.



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