6" Arching Back White Dancing Bear by Markoosie Papigatook

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Markosie Papigatok

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Inuit art: Dancing Bear    
Inuit Artist: Markoosie Papigatook
Size: ­­5.5" tall, 5" wide, 3" deep
Community: Cape Dorset, NU
Stone: White Marble
id: dfa-6868Nccjy


This is a an absolutely stunning Dancing bear by Markosie Papigatok. 

Markosie’s is renowned for his Dancing bears. 

This particular Polar bear is gleefully spinning on his hind leg. His jubilation is infectious. 

Because white marble is difficult for the Inuit artists to obtain, white bears are less common than “coloured” bears.  

I love the electrical energy of white Dancing bears! The ambient light is reflected by the white marble casting a transcendent glow around the carving.  Spectacular!

Don't miss this perfect little bear.  He is a true masterpiece! 


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