5" Scenting Bear by Tony Oqutaq *Searik*

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Tony Oqutaq

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Inuit art: Scenting Bear     
Inuit Artist: Tony Oqutaq
Size: 5" long, 2" wide, 3" high
Community: Cape Dorset, NU 11/22
Stone: Marble
id: dfa-6370Qafj

Tony Oqutaq has given us Searik, his heart rendering marble scenting/walking bear.

Heart rendering because when you first lay eyes on Searik, you have a sense that he is actually alive.

Head down, his nose almost touching the ground, I just know his right back leg is moving forward.

In time, you will find that carvings like Searik are rare indeed.

Searik is small but impressive. 

He has a gentle countenance.

Has he won your heart?


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