6" Baby Seal by Adamie Temela *Mom! Mom! Look at Me, Mom!*

View entire collection by:
Adamie Temela

$860.00 CAD

Inuit Art: Seal
Artist: Adamie Temela
Dimensions: 6" long, 3" high, 2" deep
Community: Kimmirut, NU 1/25
Stone: Serpentine
id: caps-835024331

**This Item is Eligible for Our 0% Interest Layaway Plan


Humans love baby seals!

Our protective instincts are aroused by "babies" but baby seals are at the top of the list.

We love to watch them frolic and play in the water.

We love how their fur glistens when it is wet.

We love their long whiskers and their large soulful eyes.

LOOK AT ME, MOM! will melt your heart AND satisfy your artistic eye.

As an Inuit art connoisseur, you recognize the different colours, colour patterns and textures of endemic Arctic stone.

And yes!

The carvers will sometimes carve with stone imported into the Arctic.

And THIS is when it can get really interesting!

Look at Me, Mom!'s colour and its pattern is akin to a summer night sky bombarded nonstop sprays of fireworks!

I believe when your friends are admiring your collection, their mouths will drop open when they see this stone!!!

They may even be thinking, "This seal is not what I was expecting from Inuit art!"

Yes, This is not your Grandparent's Eskimo carving collection!


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