6" Dancing Bear by Isaaci Shaa Jr. *Milo*

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Abe Simeonie

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Inuit art: Dancing Bear
Inuit Artist: Isaaci Shaa
Size: 6" high, 4" wide 
Community: Cape Dorset, NU 10/22
Stone: Serpentine
id: dfa-N6420Qbejy

When I first laid my eyes on Milo, I was astounded, then perplexed and then astounded again!

It's true that Black bears have a longer and thinner head than 
Grizzlies BUT this bear sculpture was way over the top!

This is Abe at his best. This is Abe pushing the envelope!

Milo's countenance is modern and avant garde.

His gray green colour completes the aesthetic.

I love this bear.

Check out our blog/communique on the modern style of art. 

Confused? Modern Art Made Simple. Dec 2021.


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