6" Dark Dancing Bear by Adamie Mathewsie

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Adamie Mathewsie

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Inuit art: Dancing Bear    
Inuit Artist: Adamie Mathewsie
Size: 5.5" tall, 3" wide
Community: Cape Dorset, NU
Stone: Serpentine
id: dfa-7312Nbejy

Why are we so intrigued by objects that are small?
Have you had this experience?

You are studying the details of the perfect carving... the perfectly shaped ears. The pointed nose with its symmetrical nostrils. Each individually sculpted claw. You marvel at the beauty of the piece.

And then suddenly you realize....
This carving is ONLY three inches tall!!!

Every time I see a Small bear (6 inches or less) I am astounded by the talent required to carve such an exact small replica of a life sized bear.
I can’t believe it’s even possible to create such a small creature from a small piece of stone.

I am thoroughly in love with these small bear sculptures. Each one has the heart of a lion and I can’t stop smiling when I’m in their presence.

I am always so happy to pass on these tiny pieces of magic to my clients.


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