5" Dancing Bear by Moe Pootoogook *Tornado*

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Mosesee Pootoogook

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Inuit art: Dancing Bear    
Inuit Artist: Moe Pootoogook
Size: 4.5" across, 3" wide
Community: Cape Dorset, NU 10/22
Stone: Serpentine
id: dfa-N6390Qagjy

Astounding Motion!

Tornado is a whirl wind of mind bending colour and motion!

His rusty orange colour is brilliant. 

I love these carvings that are made from the most incredible stones. 

The same colour is rarely seen again.

Tornado is diving on his paw, with his limbs flying away in all directions at once.

He appears to never stop moving!

Moe is a master magician when it comes to carving these endearing Dancing bears.

Have you had the misfortune of breaking one of your beloved carvings?

Do you think that a repair would always be visible?

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