Inuit art: Inuit Boy with Shaman
Inuit Artist: Manasie Akpaliapik
Size: 19" wide, 16" tall, 12" deep
Community: Arctic Bay, NU 10/19 3/25
Material: Marble, antler, shellfish (eyes)
id: d-78020djjjy
PROVENANCE: October 2019
Manasie carved Shaping the Future for the opening of our brick and mortar Gallery on Saturday, October 12, 2019. He attended the Exhibition and performed a drum dance in honour of our new venture.
** This Item is Eligible for our 0% Interest Layaway Plan.
Manasie Akpaliapik is one of the most celebrated Inuit carvers of all time. I know him personally and he generously agreed to carve a piece in honour of the opening of my brick and mortar Gallery.
Child's Play is therefore a CURATOR'S Choice.
Masterpiece Carving! Museum quality Sculpture!
Legendary Master Carver Manasie Akpaliapik tells the Story of Qalupiluk
"A group of children were playing on top of a huge rock very close to the shoreline, where they knew they weren’t suppose to play because there was a Sea Monster (Qalupiluk) living nearby. And this Sea monster loved little human children so much he would steal them.
He had a magic bag where he could put several children at one time and take them to the bottom of the ocean where he lived.
So the children were playing and one of them noticed Qalupilik was coming towards the rock where they were playing. He yelled to the others “QALUPILIK IS COMING !!!!!!!!! “ So they ran away……
All except one little boy who was crippled and couldn’t reach his cane in time to escape….
Qalupilik grabbed the boy’s cane and and teased the boy.
Then Qalupilik looked down at the boy's foot. His big toe was sticking out of a hole in his boot….
Qalupilik asked ....”WHAT IS THAT !???? “ The boy realized he had a chance to save himself, so he wiggled his toe in the monster's face and said in a mean voice...
“Oh that thing. It likes to eat Qalupilik !!”
It worked !!!!!! Qalupilik was scared away ….
The MORAL of the story ...
"No matter how difficult the situation may appear, you can always find a way through."
The Shaman was so touched by the boy’s generosity and nobility that he let him live and keep his trophy.
Inuit carvings that teach morals are of great value to the Inuit people.
This sculpture was carved specifically for my gallery opening and my clients. To have one of the most celebrated Inuit carvers of all time illustrate this legendary Inuit story is of immeasurable worth.
This is your chance to own a Masterpiece carved by one of the top five Inuit carvers in the world AND a carving with a unique Provenance.
This Provenance will enhance the investment value of this piece and enhance its historical significance.
See our blog Manasie Akapaliapik Exhibition - This Weekend.
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